The Hellenofuturist Foundation
Why we need to create more futuristic Greek visions
Our world is moving at an unprecedented speed. The technology at our disposal today opens doors to infinite possibilities. Whether we look at AI and biotechnology, or the more mundane global outreach power of social media that we can all access everyday, the potential for each individual to impact the world is accelerating every day. But we need to overcome a problem. This problem is the fact that the speed of cultural, humanitarian, social and environmental evolution is not accelerating in the same way as technological and corporate powers are. Most people do not take the time to understand what the future could look like. Even less how it could look like in a way that took into account their cultural heritage as well as our planet’s best interests. In Greece alone, thousands of companies and institutions help us create tools for the future. Yet we lack shared visions that help us see where we are going, why we want to get there, and how to get there collectively.
Through the Hellenofuturist Foundation, we want to bring forth the Hellenofuturist Movement. A movement that can help us envision futuristic aspirations for the hellenic lands and peoples. Taking into account our heritage and our ecosystem, in order to elevate our capacity to create, and prepare for the future as a people. We want to help people dream, plan and unite in order to fill the future with endless possibilities for a bright and hopeful future.
We do this through creation, organization and empowerment. We create ways in which we can collectively project ourselves into future fantasies through multidisciplinary approaches centered around arts, media, technology and activism. We also curate and nurture the circles of creators, thinkers, activists and makers that are allowing hellenofuturism to rise.
Through the Hellenofuturist Foundation, events, projects and networks, you will discover the artists and visionaries who’s imagination help us build future fantasies and plans rooted in hellenofuturism. A way for us all to participate in our unfolding future history.
The future is an endless spectrum of beautiful possibilities. It is time to help it unfold. In Greece, in Cyprus and through the Hellenic heritage worldwide.

The Hellenofuturist Foundation’s Upcoming Channels
Instagram @hellenofuturism
Twitter @hellenofuturism
Tiktok @hellenofuturism
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