The Hellenofuturist Foundation: Pioneering a Fair Share Future for the Arts in Greece
The Fight for Cooperative Strength and Creative Rights
FUTURES | 31.05.2023 | BY MIA SEA
Revolutionizing Creation through a Collaborative Model of Shared Legacy
In the heart of the Mediterranean, something interesting is stirring. It’s not the winds that once carried the tales of ancient philosophers across azure seas, nor is it the echo of epic poems that recount the heroics of gods and mortals. It’s something more subtle, yet hope-filled and crucial . As the Hellenofuturist vision is gently rising and gaining momentum through our work and dedication, so do we explore ways in which a long term vision for a collective effort can blend the wisdom of the past, the patterns of natural logic along with the possibilities of the future.
We seek not just to create, but to revolutionize — to challenge established norms and redefine the intersection of arts, activism, and technology. Yet we seek to accomplish this in a way that feels elementary and obvious, like reconquering something that has always lived within us and can finally run free.
We recognize that to pioneer a vision, we must first show it, bring it to life in all its vibrant, resonating glory before we ask others to believe in it. It’s a dance of faith, if you will, a test of the strength of our convictions. A retroactive reward mindset underpins this daring approach, one that focuses on setting the right system in place before we reap the benefits. This means that as things currently go, we ask of most of those that join us to have a smart and cooperative outlook on creation, thinking along the lines not of what has been until now, but how things could be in a way that would make us all feel respected, acknowledged and satisfied
This is where our fair share model comes into play. It’s our answer to the challenges of the modern creative landscape, a beacon of inclusivity in a world often marked by exclusivity. This model recognizes and rewards every hand that contributes to our collective vision, from the artists who breathe life into abstract ideas, to the activists who champion our cause, to the technologists who engineer the platforms that carry our message to the world.
Consider this model as something akin to an equity investment. However, instead of trading capital for ownership stakes, we trade time, skills, and creativity for a shared legacy. It’s an organic, humane approach that doesn’t merely attach a monetary value to contributions but recognizes their intrinsic worth. It’s a system that values the human element of contribution, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. It captures the spirit of collaboration and mutual growth that lies at the heart of any successful collective endeavor. To us, in the current climate of exploration and uncertainty, this approach is what makes most sense.
Consider the sustainability of retroactive profits from art, sales, events, exhibits, and royalties. This revenue stream, generated long after the initial creation and exhibition of the work, provides a steady cash flow crucial for our ongoing operations. It gives us the freedom to innovate without the constraints that often accompany grant funding. It allows us to benefit from the success of our work directly and fosters a natural incentive to create art that resonates deeply with our audience. This model of collaboration and retroactive rewards shapes our collective output, allowing us to create works that are not just the product of individual genius, but the result of a vibrant, dynamic collective. It encourages a wide range of voices to contribute to our shared vision, fostering an environment where the whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts.
It is a model worth believing in. It feels more natural and instinctively normal than any other theoretical framework in a world full of theories. And the answer as to why lies in its very essence. The fair share model is a testament to the power of unity in diversity, an acknowledgment of the intrinsic value of all contributions, and a celebration of the shared dreams and ambitions that drive us.
In a world that often prizes individual achievement, our model champions the collective, the team, the community. It dares to envision a future where the arts are not just the privilege of the few, but the birthright of the many. This is the promise of what we are building around this concept of Hellenofuturism — a future crafted collectively, fairly, and with an unwavering belief in the power of shared dreams. We invite you to be a part of this exciting journey, to witness and contribute to the unfolding of a new chapter in the story of human creativity
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Hellenofuturism | Art by Mia Sea X AI
Founder @ AEGIS